Starkville Housing Authority is making every effort possible to keep residents and employees safe during the Pandemic. We appreciate your cooperation with following all safety guidelines that have been put in place by the CDC, the Starkville Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and the Starkville Housing Authority staff.
400 masks were donated by Garan Manufacturing of Starkville, MS for all school-aged residents

A care package distribution event was held on September 11, 2020 as a Day of Service.
SHA partnered with Molina Healthcare for a hot plate giveaway on August 4, 2020. SHA Residents and the public were invited to receive a free hot meal and information about Molina Healthcare.
Our youth residents received food and snacks for the month of July 2020. Youth were served hot dogs, pizza and sno cones each week in July.
Starkville Housing Authority partnered with Starkville Strong to distribute food boxes to 30 elderly and disabled residents in the McDowell Street Community.
As part of HUD’s Strong Families Initiative, SHA did not let the pandemic stop their annual Father’s Day Event. All resident Fathers and Father figures received a gift bag filled with masks, hand sanitizer, snacks and information about COVID-19.